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German Hemp Association welcomes the announcement by the federal government to set up a cannabis age

Autorenbild: Eric wrigthEric wrigth

Press release of the German Hemp Association (Deutscher Hanfverband, DHV) from 01.11.2015

The German Hemp Association welcomes the announcement by the federal government in Germany to set up a cannabis agency. This paves the way for the first cultivation of medicinal cannabis in Germany, helping not only the patients, but allowing also new economic prospects for Germany.

The establishment of a cannabis agency is an old demand of the DHV. Only this way can Germany’s dependence on imports be terminated and supply for the patients be guaranteed.

“An easier access to cannabis as a medicine and the covering of the costs by the health insurance companies were long overdue. The fact, that the federal government has consistently thought this issue through and is willing to permit production in Germany, pleased and surprised us. Finally, the German economy is not decoupled from the international development and can develop their own cannabis industry. We are increasingly being contacted by entrepreneurs, interested in the production of medical cannabis. We expect a massive rising demand for Cannabis as Medicine,”said spokesman Georg Wurth from the DHV.

But the DHV continues to demand that patients themselves should be allowed to grow cannabis, if they so wish. This relieves the health insurance companies and enables each patient to use the appropriate cannabis-strain for them. In addition, as many patients as possible should benefit from the new rules, not only pain-patients. The range medicinal use of cannabis is great, as the current dispensations for various diseases show.

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